- itecjapan - itec-uk Co.,Ltd -
itec-uk Co. Ltd.
Our Management Philosophy
Nature will never deceive itself. All business must be treated seriously and sincerely.
The earth cannot break itfs own laws. When humans disregard these laws and cause damage to the environment, nature will spin out of control. Everything that exists was born of the earth, including humans and their activities. We believe that to maintain the utmost customer satisfaction, we must strive to work with total dedication and sincerity in all situations, and this in turn will ensure the life of the company. All humans are born good, but are tested by experiences and environments. We firmly believe that within these experiences and environments are hidden valuable lessons, which structure the lives we lead.
Our Mission
The internet is a fantastic artificial environment
Now that we use to great effect digital technology, a notion originally devised by the ancient Egyptians, we should never fail to appreciate the deeds of our ancestors, which have allowed the birth of this fantastic environment.
Our mission is to use this environment in conjunction with our already patented technological ideas and theories, and offer a reliable service to our customers free from human error, with this level of dedication maintained 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Ÿ Chief Executive : Fumiko Godfree

Ÿ Chief Director : Christopher Godfree

Ÿ Established : 15 February 1995

Office Address
yHead Officez
Cherry Orchard Farm, Hunt Street, West Farleigh,
Maidstone, Kent, ME15 OND, UK
Tel: 01622 817 544 Fax: 01622 817 835
yShiodome officez
L701 Tokyo Twin Parks, Higashi Shimbashi 1-10-1,
Minato Ward, Tokyo 105-0021, JAPAN
Tel: 03 5537 5853 Fax: 03 5537 5893
yChuo Officez
7F Naka-Ginza Tower, Ginza 8-16-10,
Chuo Ward, Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN
Tel: 03 3575 6753 Fax: 03 3575 6789
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