With our designated service, your company has total control of the server. With full rights over the machine you will have access to unlimited mail addresses, FTP/Telnet access, and the freedom to use the full capacity of the server, with a hard disk ranging from 120Gb to 240Gb . Separate accounts on the machine can also be created for company employees or customers. The main benefit of the service is that despite the server being dedicated to your company only, you don't need to house it in your company building. This means you can rest assured that any security-related incidents at your own building will not affect your data, which is housed securely elsewhere. The service also ensures you a direct connection to the Softbank IDC backbone - the highest and most secure bandwidth available in Japan, as well as your own designated server space and designated firewall protection.
Rental Server - Shared service
A rental server involves hundreds of users sharing the same server whilst operating different domains. No one company has complete control over the machine, so account holders must pay a monthly fee to the user with the highest authority.
The capacity for each company tends to be very low (around 200Mb) and as resources are shared between users, the resulting bandwidth speed can be frustratingly slow. Also restrictions regarding critical factors such as CGI/telnet, software installation, hardware upgrades and data transfer capacity can cause disruption to the smooth running of your business. Furthermore, as rental servers are housed together with servers belonging to other companies, security is a constant worry, as is the regular server downtime caused by the activities of other users with access to the machine. For these reasons rental servers are not recommended to business users.
With the advent of OSMS, shared servers are no longer necessary!
At last a fully owned server (which would usually cost more than a million yen) can now be operated at the same price as a standard shared server. However, as highlighted by the features below, OSMS is not just a regular dedicated service.
One entire machine at your disposal. Each user is given full access to a high efficiency, high capacity business-use UNIX machine. The server can be used however you prefer | e.g. web/mail server, file server, DB server, storage server, document/image management server.
This is not a standard dedicated server. All services, processes and resources are thoroughly monitored. With everything being checked and configured (including HTTP EHTTPS EPOP ESMTP EDNS EFTP EPostgreSQL EMySQL EOracle ECPU E Hard Disks) there is no need to worry about hiring an in-house expert to maintain your server. (OSMS F-type)
Industry-first firewall service. A business server without a firewall is open to attacks which cause a major security hazard. To combat this we have started the industryfs first efirewall includedf service.
The fastest, safest connection in the country. The data centre not only provides your machine with support, but is also fire/earthquake resistant, fully air-conditioned, has back up electricity supplies and can only be accessed by authorized individuals. As users of the data centre do not access their machines directly, all support is carried out by experts at Itecjapan, leaving you free from time-consuming maintenance responsibilities.
Your personal ASP. We can customize our powerful groupware engine to suit your needs, then offer you a unique in-house groupware service. Also, feel free to use KAM our dynamic mobile phone-oriented marketing tool with web-site design, email questionnaire and database/data analysis capabilities. Furthermore we can develop built-to-order applications to suit your needs from scratch (OAS). There are very few companies that have the experience or expertise to offer as broad a range of server-related services as Itecjapan.
Full on-site support. You will never need to worry about the status of your machine as it is monitored 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year. Should any hardware irregularities arise our team of experts will carry out maintenance immediately leaving you free to concentrate on your business.
Users have unlimited to access to our free-of-charge browser-based server control system, for accessing mail, FTP and telnet accounts. There is no limit to how many mail, FTP and Telnet accounts a user can have, so it is possible to freely distribute accounts among your workers and clients. (At present, Japanfs largest rental server company offers just one shared FTP account and multiple email addresses are charged for per account. Further restrictions are placed on users by the lack of Telnet or CGI availability).
Huge capacity. Our high-capacity servers range from 120Gb to 240Gb enabling you to manage vast quantities of content with few restrictions. (Most rental servers provide a meagre 20Mb to 100Mb and charge extra fees for additional storage space).
Freedom to customise your machine. There are no limits to the customisation of your hardware (charged) and software (only charged if installation and setup is by Itecjapan).
Users can manage their servers without the internet. It is possible to connect directly and work on your server (FTP, Telnet) using a phone line connection. By avoiding an internet connection you can ensure complete security. (This service must be applied for separately. Please contact us for details). We also offer Virtual Private Networks.
Access data can be checked online. Which page is the most popular? Where are customers being directed to your site from? Which month, day, hour has the highest hit rate? All these statistics can be easily viewed via an internet browser. Extra options include access to customer browsing habits, clicking reference details, and specified customer information. With its ability to monitor and analyse all this data, your machine will serve as an extremely powerful marketing tool.
No limits to programs or databases. The following are all compatible with our machines | databases, CGI, SSI, Java, VDO Live, streaming software, mailing lists, chat, shopping systems. (Most standard rental servers only offer basic features CGI such as counters and notice boards).
You have complete control. Your company is handed full administrative control of the root server, which is essentially the same as having the server in your possession | providing a level of satisfaction and security unavailable from shared rental servers.
Provider capabilities. Your company can use the server to offer a dial-up provider service to customers. In this case the machine will be handled directly by your company, but we will happily provide technical guidance. Please ask for details.
You can have your own domain name (naturally). And host name too. (The default host is www. There are no domain setup or registration fees. Virtual domains are also available on request.
Moving assistance. We will gladly help you move your current rental server. All troublesome settings changes will be dealt with by us. Most of our customers have moved to us from other companies.
In-house servers are no longer realistic. By keeping your server in-house, the price for installation, maintenance, line rental and other running costs can easily total over 10 million yen. Furthermore, handling and effectively responding to regular security information is extremely demanding, even for the most experienced server manager. Even the slightest degree of lax security works as a springboard for hackers. Allowing hackers in may lead to your company being sued, which can cause immeasurable damage to your company.
Our track record. Not only have we provided to services to vast numbers of government ministries and major companies listed on the stock market, we are also receiving increasing orders for industry-specific ASP development. Furthermore we are highly rated by countless organisations for our approach to privacy issues and personal data.